Today I am sitting in the Budapest coffee shop where I first read Erica's email (as described in my first chapter) explaining her struggle with daily time with God. It was here, in this place, where I began to put words to paper in my response to Erica. This was the beginning of Unforced Rhythms. What began as an average email response ended up developing into an attached 5-page document.
Coffee shops and Budapest inspire me :)
Writing out my thoughts has always been something that has helped me make sense out of life. And so, as I began creating a response to Erica, the words flowed out of years of my own angst in time with God, yet I could respond to her out of a place of freedom.
Over the years, writing a book is a thought that crossed my mind from time to time. A few people told me that I should write a book on prayer. In a roundabout way Unforced Rhythms is about prayer, but it took on a whole different angle than I ever saw it going.
After two decades of seeking and searching for answers to daily devotions, the truths and discoveries in Unforced Rhythms found me. They came to me through the Word, particularly Matthew 11:28–30. They came to me through the gentle voice of my heavenly father telling me to "just live" in place of striving. They came to me through others, like my friend, Dave, who shared his brilliant concept of Life Rhythms.
I've heard it said, recently, that some things find us.
The words to Unforced Rhythms came to me like a river flowing over granite cliffs falling to the base below where the waters just keep flowing. Though I searched for answers, the book came out of the answers that brought me freedom. They found me.