This past weekend Dennis and I had the privilege of celebrating the 500th Anniversary of the Protestant Reformation with our Egyptian friends. Sitting in the same room with key evangelical leaders from around the world was a surreal experience. There are an estimated 250,000 evangelical Christians in Egypt, about 20% of the population.
The Great Pyramids of Giza
Though it was amazing to visit a city with rich ancient history, and to see pyramids dating back to 2,500 years BC, what I most enjoyed was the opportunity to interact with people.
Hanan was our translator and so gracious to answer all my questions. Along the way she discovered that I had written my first book, curious to know what it was about. I told her the title and subtitle, pausing to wait for a reaction. She gave me a nod, with a knowing look, and so I continued on to share a bit more specifically about the book's topic. "Yes, we struggle with this here in Egypt, too."
I wondered if Unforced Rhythms would be a book that crossed cultures. Did Christians in other parts of the world have the same spiritual angst that I did with daily devotions or was this just a North American thing?
A few months ago in Africa, I spoke with our Zambian leader and pastor who oversees the church planting efforts in Malawi. He, too, asked about the book. After describing the topic of the book, I ask him if he had daily devotions. "Yes, but I do good for a couple weeks and then I struggle to stay at it." I told him I understood and that I think he would find the book helpful. He chuckled and said, "Well, you are the ones that taught us to do it!"
Trusting God to determine the scope of influence in the message of Unforced Rhythms.